The dolls and their wardrobe are going off in the mail tomorrow. I should have mailed them yesterday, but I wasn’t done with the Tiny Velvet Ballgown of Doom yet. What does a Tiny Velvet Ballgown of Doom look like? Sort of like this: This was, to put it mildly, harder than I thought...
A Monster for Halloween
I realized, when I mentioned working on the rag dolls’ hair in passing, that I never actually posted the finished monster doll. So let’s have a Halloween monster! They seem to be getting along well. Think he’ll find her? Hair detail — I did his hair in feather stitch and was pleased by how...
Wherein I Actually Do Some Spinning and Knitting
It’s been, erm, a while since I posted. I owe a few people comment replies, and I was having this weird social anxiety argh talking to people is hard moment — okay, that’s me all the time and not just a moment, but anyway. I wasn’t posting because I was having non-replying-rude-blogger guilt, and...