It’s been, erm, a while since I posted. I owe a few people comment replies, and I was having this weird social anxiety argh talking to people is hard moment — okay, that’s me all the time and not just a moment, but anyway. I wasn’t posting because I was having non-replying-rude-blogger guilt, and...
This Did Not Go Entirely As Planned
I’ve been working on my day-to-night drape top. (I’ll try to remember to edit a link in later — only have about five minutes before dinner.) The good things: I did a full bust adjustment which appears to have worked perfectly. It’s a lovely top, and I love the way the drape-y neckline bit...
Sue’s Sewing Box and a Trip to Zinck’s
I don’t know who Sue is, but I have her sewing box. It came with one of the vintage sewing machines (the 15-91, I think). I’m trying to organize my office/sewing room, which right now looks approximately as though a bomb went off in it. I’m starting by trying to organize and consolidate supplies...
Catching up
I’ve been pretty much absent from blog-land for the past week or so. I wasn’t away, but I had a four days off work between the holiday, a vacation day, and the weekend, and I wasn’t on the computer a whole lot. What I did, among other things, was learn to sew knits. I’m...