I finished stuffing and sewing the stuffing opening closed on the doodle stitch owl at my knitting group yesterday — yay! I decided to go with some berry-ish clusters of French knots in the embroidered motif instead of little satin stitch circles. I completely chickened out of trying the tiny circles in satin stitch,...
Hardware and Softie
A couple weeks ago I finally picked up a copy of Aimee Ray’s Doodle Stitching. What with my sudden bird obsession and all, I decided to try the owl softie project. I’ve made one or two knitted softies, but I’ve never sewn any. So far I’m pretty pleased with how it’s going. I was...
Look, I made a flowchart!
I was going to do a real post today and talk about my Project Hope mini-quilt and whatnot, but I got caught up with actually sewing and ran out of time. So just a couple of quick photos with bits of disjointed text, maybe? I’ve been doing the &Stitches June Sampler-along. I’ve got the...
Finished Calavera Pillow! and TAST Week 5
It seems like I spent about six weeks working on all these different projects without finishing anything, and now they’re getting finished all at once. I stitched most of the marigolds on the calavera project while I was at the music festival, then got the few petals done a few days ago. And today...