I’ve been pretty much absent from blog-land for the past week or so. I wasn’t away, but I had a four days off work between the holiday, a vacation day, and the weekend, and I wasn’t on the computer a whole lot. What I did, among other things, was learn to sew knits. I’m...
Hardware and Softie
A couple weeks ago I finally picked up a copy of Aimee Ray’s Doodle Stitching. What with my sudden bird obsession and all, I decided to try the owl softie project. I’ve made one or two knitted softies, but I’ve never sewn any. So far I’m pretty pleased with how it’s going. I was...
Look, I made a flowchart!
I was going to do a real post today and talk about my Project Hope mini-quilt and whatnot, but I got caught up with actually sewing and ran out of time. So just a couple of quick photos with bits of disjointed text, maybe? I’ve been doing the &Stitches June Sampler-along. I’ve got the...
Tough Re-Entry
Re-entry into real life has been surprisingly tough. I didn’t think to schedule Monday off, which probably contributed to it. I like to try to get a buffer day in between coming back from a trip and getting back to work. Especially a trip where I get home as late as I did the...